Listed below are self-help resources that the Office of the Ombuds has created or curated on topics frequently faced by visitors to our office. These tools can be a helpful starting place. However, they are by no means comprehensive. Feel free to contact us to schedule a confidential consultation. Additionally, the Office of the Ombuds provides workshops on many of the topics listed.
- Book & Podcasts
- Conflict Terminology
- Deconstructing Alternative Dispute Resolution
Email Conflict
Email Conflict - 7 Temptations - Tempting email behaviors that aggravate conflict, and better alternatives
The Fairness Pyramid - A Fairness Model
Fairness Presentation - Presentation Slides on Fairness
Fairness Checklist - A checklist for applying Fairness Principles
- Interests, Rights, and Power
- Preparing for a Challenging Conversation